Board Committees
Our Company established the Audit Committee on 18 March 2020 with written terms of reference in compliance with Rules 5.28 to 5.33 of the GEM Listing Rules and paragraph C.3 of the Corporate Governance Code and Corporate Governance Report as set out in Appendix 15 to the GEM Listing Rules. The primary duties of the Audit Committee are mainly to make recommendations to the Board on the appointment and removal of external auditors; review the financial statements and material advice in respect of financial reporting; and oversee internal control procedures of our Company. The Audit Committee currently consists of three members, namely Mr. Ng Kwun Wan, Ms. Cho Mei Ting and Mr. Ho Ka Kit. The chairman of our Audit Committee is Mr. Ng Kwun Wan.
Our Company established the Remuneration Committee on 18 March 2020 with written terms of reference in compliance with Rules 5.34 to 5.36 of the GEM Listing Rules and paragraph B.1 of the Corporate Governance Code and Corporate Governance Report as set out in Appendix 15 to the GEM Listing Rules. The primary duties of the Remuneration Committee are to make recommendations to the Board on the overall remuneration policy and structure relating to all Directors and senior management of our Group; review performance based remuneration and ensure none of our Directors determine their own remuneration. The Remuneration Committee currently consists of three members, namely Ms. Cho Mei Ting, Mr. Ng Kwun Wan and Mr. Ho Ka Kit. The chairlady of the Remuneration Committee is Ms. Cho Mei Ting.
Our Company established the Nomination Committee on 18 March 2020 with written terms of reference in compliance with paragraph A.5 of the Corporate Governance Code and Corporate Governance Report as set out in Appendix 15 to the GEM Listing Rules. The primary duties of the Nomination Committee are to review the structure, size and composition of the Board on a regular basis; identify individuals suitably qualified to become Board members; assess the independence of the independent non-executive Directors; and make recommendations to the Board on relevant matters relating to the appointment or re-appointment of Directors. The Nomination Committee currently consists of three members, namely Mr. Ho Ka Kit, Mr. Ng Kwun Wan and Ms. Cho Mei Ting. The chairman of the Nomination Committee is Mr. Ho Ka Kit.